Kindergarten Transition

Starting kindergarten is a wonderful time for children and their families! Many exciting opportunities await with this first step into more formal schooling. Here are answers to some “frequently asked questions.” Please call your child’s school with more specific questions and concerns! They are there to help and support you through this important transition.

Is my child eligible for kindergarten?
In the state of North Carolina, your child is eligible for kindergarten if he or she turns 5 on or before August 31st.

How do I know which school my child should attend?
You can visit or call an elementary school close to your home and ask. Phone numbers are listed on this “It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten” brochure. (Spanish Version)

You can also find out your school district by going online. Go to and type in your home address.

What do I need to bring to kindergarten registration?
Your child’s school will let you know what you need to bring for kindergarten registration. Typically, you’ll need:

  • Photo identification for parent/guardian
  • 2 documents providing proof of residency (property deed, rental lease and/or utility bill are typically acceptable)
  • Your child’s certified birth certificate with seal (photocopies and hospital certificates are not acceptable)
  • Your child’s updated immunization records
  • Medical information (completed health assessment form), signed by a physician or the health department, will be required when you register your child for kindergarten or on the first day of school. Your school will provide the form.

What will help my child be successful in kindergarten?
Check out our “I’m Going to Kindergarten” flyer for helpful information! (Spanish version)

What should we pay attention to the year prior to kindergarten?
Check out our “It’s a Joy to be 4” flyer for helpful information!

For more information: Dr. Gail Summer KidsREADy Catawba Project Coordinator 828-695-6302