
(Entendiendo el Desarrollo Infantil)

Young children need adults to sing, play, talk, and read with them. Families and other close adults are important to help children grow and develop fully. The links below describe what children should know and be able to do at specific ages. Use the links to help you know how your child is growing and how to you can help your child. Families are children’s first, most important, and lifelong teachers! (Los niños pequeños necesitan adultos que canten, jueguen, hablen y lean con ellos. Las familias y otros adultos cercanos son importantes para ayudar a los niños a crecer y desarrollarse plenamente. Los siguientes enlaces describen lo que los niños deben saber y poder hacer en edades específicas. Utilice los enlaces para saber cómo está creciendo su hijo y cómo puede ayudarlo. ¡Las familias son los primeros, los más importantes y permanentes maestros de los niños!)

(Recursos en Otros Idimoas)

Help your child grow & thrive. From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern.

If you suspect your child has a developmental delay or a disability, don’t wait to ask for support!

If your child is under the age of 3, call the
Children’s Developmental Services Agency – 828-267-6464

If your child is 3 or older, call your local school district.
To find out your school district, you can call a school near your house and ask.
Or you can search online by going to and typing in your home address.

Catawba County Schools – 828-327-3689
Hickory City Schools – 828-322-5860 (ask for Early Start Program)
Newton-Conover City Schools – 828-464-9355