Leading for Quality Early Childhood Education In Catawba County

Professional development modules for elementary and primary school leaders

The modules included have been designed to strengthen the tools you have to support early childhood professionals in their work with young children. The work done in Leading PreK-3 Learning Communities: Competencies for Effective Principal Practice, from the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has been used as an undergirding guide, as has the philosophy regarding Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) from the National Association for the Education of  Young Children (NAEYC). Resources from the Office of Early Learning at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction have also been used in the design of the modules. For those interested, the modules align with the NC Digital Learning Competencies for School Administrators.


Click here for Introduction Slides

* Intentional Play-Based Curriculum Module should be completed first, face-to-face. Remaining modules are self contained and can be completed in any order.
These modules have been developed by   which is a collaboration between:

Leading for Quality Early Childhood Education in Catawba County Researched and compiled by Gail Laubscher Summer, Ed.D (2019) KidsREADy Catawba Project Coordinator No duplication without permission, please.